As Eco Hero Kids, there are a few things we can do to help prevent deforestation: 

Make sure we buy things that are made from recyclable materials.

Make sure we recycle the things that we can.

Money talks!  Encourage your friends and family to only buy things from companies that care about the environment and don’t cut down trees needlessly.  Support those companies who are taking on zero-deforestation initiatives. You can look that up on the internet. Buy their products and shop responsibly.

Share your knowledge with friends and family. Many people just don’t know the disaster that deforestation causes or don’t think that they can make a difference.

Write a letter to the company that is not causing harm and let them know that you are not going to be purchasing their product anymore and that you will encourage others not to use the product. 

Contact the grocery store or other store that carries that company’s product and let them know that they should only sell things from responsible companies who care about our planet. 

Plant some trees.

Support organizations that are saving trees.

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