Let’s Talk About Worms!

Worms can really help your compost along because they eat all the organic matter. When they eat it they produce VERMICAST – also called worm castings, worm humus, worm manure, worm faeces, or worm POOP! To a gardener it is like gold. It is super rich in nutrients and when the soil that you grow your food in is healthy, the food is healthy!

In recent years, raising worms has become a big business. Did you know there are worm farms? People who have organic farms realize how much worm poop can help fertilize the soil and make it healthy. 

Worm poop is called CASTINGS

When you have a worm farm and raise worms it’s called VERMICULTURE.

When you have compost that contains worms it’s called VERMICOMPOST.

Worm castings can be added to the soil and make it rich in nutrients, so that your strawberries or broccoli, or corn or whatever you grow is extra good for you!

A few interesting facts about worms:

  1. A worm has no arms or legs or eyes.

  2. Baby worms hatch from cocoons

  3. Worm slime contains a lot of Nitrogen, which plants love.

  4. If a worm’s skin dries out, it will die.

  5. A worm has both female and male organs.

  6. Worm castings (poop) are super food for gardens.

  7. It’s easy to start a worm farm!