Why are bees so important?

There are more honey bees than any other type of bee and they are the world’s most important food-crop pollinator.


Pollen is the yellow powdery stuff you find in flowers and plants and trees. It’s made by the male part of the flower, plant or tree.


The BEE! The honey bee flies into the flower to drink its sweet nectar in order to make honey for it’s hive and when it’s in there the pollen sticks to the bee.  When the bee flies to the next flower it leaves the pollen in the female part of the flower. It has the most important job in the whole growing process!


When the pollen gets from one flower to the next. Bringing the pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part of a different flower. This fertilizes the flower or plant and let’s it make other plants and flowers.

Importance of Bees and pollination

If we didn’t have pollination, we couldn’t grow food, or have flowers or trees. 90% of the world’s nutrition relies on pollinators. If we didn’t have bees we wouldn’t have apples, oranges and avocados. Bees also help the entire ecosystem. Many other animals also rely on these plants to live – insects and birds to name a few.  If any of these go missing we are in big trouble!