Hi! We’re happy to welcome you as a member of our international group of superstars! The Eco-Hero Kids is a movement of young thinkers and problem solvers who are engaged in developing a relationship with our Earth that is healthy, respectful, and harmonious!

All of our actions and ideas make a difference and add up to big changes!

By participating in this quest, you become a hero! Eco-Hero Kids are thoughtful and caring. We think about our global human family, plants, and animal life. We strive for a better world for all of us today, and we also look to create an amazing future for generations yet to come.

Kids can be an example for adults!

Things to Chat About:

What is this thing called the environment?

Is anyone in this room worried about the Earth? What is your worry?

What’s your favorite thing about nature?

Words to Discuss:


Definition of a Hero:

a: a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability, b: an illustrious warrior, c: a person admired for achievements and noble qualities, d: one who shows great courage.

An Eco-Hero has Integrity, Honor, Honesty, Intelligence, Wisdom, Action, Morality, and lots of Love for us all.

One of the Eco-Hero’s most important traits is…


Heroes are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.
They participate in activities that will help others.
They are caretakers of our world.
And heroes take….


Another name for HERO is Advocate or Activist.

Advocate (verb): To speak up for someone or something. To support that person or issue who might not be able to speak up for themselves.

Environmental Advocate (noun): A person who speaks up for something that has to do with the environment.

Activist: Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social, political, economic, or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society.