Dashiel Eichar

10 years old

Malibu, CA

Dashiel has been surfing and practicing Martial arts since he was 4. He has won several surfing and martial arts competitions. He is currently a red belt in Kaje Kempo Mixed Martial arts. Aside from surfing and martial arts he loves skating, reading and making art. He plans to join the Junior life guard program this summer.

In His Own Words:

“The environmental issues I’m most passionate about are reducing plastic at home and reducing plastic in the ocean. I also recently watched a few documentaries on animal poaching : “the Sea of Shadows” and “The Ivory Game” it made me feel so bad for the animals who get killed for such little reasons. We need to do whatever we can to save our animals, oceans and kelp forests.

I am so passionate about reducing plastic in our environment because it can save wildlife for a long time. I am also passionate about stopping poaching so animals don’t go extinct.

I have worked to make a change by creating non plastic beach toys as well as using non plastic trash bags at home. The advice I would like to give to others is to always pick up trash when you see trash and don’t litter. Also, to not use plastic water bottles. You can also help by doing beach clean-ups.

A great book to read for kids to educate themselves is called What A Waste by Jess French. It teaches you about pollution, conservation, recycling and protecting our planet.